Most people get caught up in the expectation that they are meant to state a goal on New Year’s Eve but they fail to adequately plan, so they don’t end up sticking with it.
I reckon it’s not worth bothering unless you put in some forward planning or you are simply setting yourself up to fail.
It would be like saying you’re going on a driving holiday but you don’t put petrol in the car and forget to ask your boss for time off; it’s not going to happen!
Write a SMART goal and include some emotions and why you want to achieve it.
Realistic (and personally Relevant)
So this is what your goal might look like:
It is 31 May 2013 and I feel so proud that I have reached my goal weight of 65kg. Now I can
keep up with the kids and I fit into that amazing red dress. I feel a million bucks!
More tips on goal setting to come…..stay tuned!